So for my project im creating a medal for BAM (
there are a number of guide lines but basically you can do a medal on a subject of your choice.
I chose the save the bees campaign and all the bee related work you have seen so far, has been for this project.
Today I finished my the master for my medal -
so one side is the man rolled honey comb shape which is used as a foudation for bee keepers and is made out of natural wax. This time I decided to put the bees legs apart in order to make them look more alive - this was not easy.
this is the other side of the medal - its natural honey comb made by bees. I purposely crumbled some of the honey comb so that it has a distressed feel to it
(the bees - my mum keeps bees and these ones you see here were unfortunately killed off by the frost earlier this year)